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Person Index O-Q

This index contains every mention of an individual however small. Click on the first name to be taken to a relevant post. A shorter list highlighting those posts largely about just one single individual in detail can be found under the Biographies of Individuals option on the drop down menu. See also the Biographies of Families option.

Note: all listings below of the same first and last name combination are not necessarily referring to the same person so if "John Smith" isn't your John Smith that doesn't mean " John Smith 2" or "John Smith 3" are not your John Smith.

We are currently experiencing some  delays in uploading names to this index due to the very volume of posts being uploaded. Names may take a few days to appear.

Oakley Jack  William

O'Brien Charles

Ogle Elizabeth William

Oldsworth Frederick

Ollis Ellis


 Elizabeth_2  Elizabeth 3  Henry   JohnMr  Thomas    Thomas_2  Thomas_3.  Thomas_4Thomas_5  Thomas 6

Oliver "Mrs" Sarah

Ongley Mr W  Mr W 2

Orts John

Osborn Elizabeth  Jonathan

Osbourne/Osborne Ellen William 

Overall Thomas_Edwin.     Charles_Edwin

Owen Elizabeth  Thomas

Owles Rose

Oxlade. Mr  Mr_2  Elizabeth  Elizabeth_2    Elizabeth 3  George (multiple)  George 2  George 3George 4  John  John_2  John_3  Jonathan.      Jonathan_2    Richard.            Richard 2  Richard_3  Richard 4  Richard 5  Robert  Robert_2  Robert_3  Robert 4  Robert 5  Robert 6 Robert_7  Susannah.     Thomas   Thomas_2  Thomas_3  Thomas_4  Thomas 5  Thomas 6  Thomas_7  Thomas_8  Thomas_9   Widow  Widow_2

Page Albert Charles  Hiram  Mr

Paget(t) - Francis  Peeter

Paine/Payne -  A_(male)  J_(initial)   William

Palmer Ann  Elizabeth  H  Job  John  Mrs (wife of John)  No first name  Sarah  Serg. John

Parke Gilbert_and_IsabellaGilbert 2

Parker Frederick  George  Mrs  Samuel  Thomas

Parmer Miss

Parslow Hezekiah  Hezekiah 2 Joseph  Mary_Ann  Mary Ann 2

Parsons Christopher  George  Jesse.     John    John_2  John_3  Mrs  Thomas  Walter    William   William 2  William 3

Patrick Mr

Patricks And Co

Patrickson Caroline

Patterson Ann  Ann_2   James  James 2  James 3  Mrs  Thomas   Thomas_2    Thomas_3

Pattison James  Sarah   Thomas_John_jnr_(distressing_content)

Paul Charles J

Pauley James (distressing)

Payne Henry  John   Mr_J  Unknown_first_name

Peacock Thomas Love

Pearce /Pearse Albert  Francis  George Smith  George  Gilbert   Harriet  John    John_2  John 3  John 4  Phillip   Robert  Thomas  Thomas 2  William_Thomas

Pearson Caroline  Caroline 2  Caroline 3  George  Henry  Henry 2Henry 3

Peck Robert

Peddle -A & A_H  Alfred (two mentions) Alfred 2  Ellen  Family  George  Helen  Helen 2  Matilda

Peel Esther Ellen

Pendleton Henry  Henry_2

Pennington John

Peppall  Florence  Samuel

Pepper  Christopher  Christopher 2  Francis  Francis_2  Francis 3  Francis 4  Francis 5  Joseph     Joseph_2  Sally AKA Sarah  Sally AKA Sarah 2  Thomas  Thomas 2

Perkins William

Perry Alfred  Ann  Avis  Avis_2    Ellen  Ellen / Eleanor  Ellen/Eleanor 2  Elizabeth    Emma  George  George_2  George_3.  James    James_2  James_3 James_4 James_4 John.  John_2.   Joseph  Joseph_2  Joseph_3  Keziah  Mary Ann  Mary  Nicholas Richard Samuel  Sarah  Susan  Thomas  William   William_2  William_3

Perryman Thomas

Peters James

Peto WilliamWilliam 2

Pewtner Richard

Phelps  George  George_2  George_3   George 4  James  Mary  Sarah.  William

Phillips Ada  Ann  Ann 2  Charles Dr.  Elizabeth  F.E  Harmon  John  John 2 (multiple)  John 3.  John_4  John_5   John_6  Joshua  Joshua 2Joshua 3  Mary  Mary_2.     Mary_3    Mary_4  Mary_5  Mary 6  Mr  Richard  Samuel (x2).     Samuel_2  Thomas  William.  .  William_2   William Clifford

Philp Ellen Mary

Phipps Clifford_William  Elizabeth.    John  JosephJoseph 2

Philpott Elizabeth  Mr

Phipps. John  William

Pickering Mr

Picton Ann (distressing)  George (distressing) George 2

Piddington Caroline  Emma  John

Piddleward (see also Ward) William

Pierce (See also Pearce) JohnJohn 2

Piercey / Piercy  Mr_E  Edward_Albert  Edward Albert 2  Ellen W (male) 

Piggott Agnes  ElizabethElizabeth 2  Jane  John  John_2  Margaret.   Mary  Richard  Richard 2Richard 3   Robert  Robert_2   Robert 3  Robert 4  Robert 5  SarahThomasThomas 2  Uriah  Uriah 2  William

Pim Rebecca

Pimm Richard  Richard 2  Sarah

Pinches Family

Pinner Jane

Pinnock George_Frewin

Pinson Mary

Pither Thomas

Pitt Ann  Ann 2  Daniel  Sarah  William

Pitt Lennox William

Plaistowe Mary

Plate William

Plater John  Mary

Plato John

Platt. James  Mary Ann

Platts William

Plucknett Ann  Elizabeth  George x2  George_2  James  Mary

Plomridge - see Plumridge

Plowman - Elizabeth Emily  Thomas

Plummer Jonathan  Thomas  Thomas_2

Plumridge Agnes  Albert Albert_2  Amelia  Ann  Ann 2  Caroline  Charles    Charles 2  Charlotte  Charlotte 2 Daniel  Edith  Ellen/Helen     Eliza  Elizabeth  Elizabeth_2  Emmanuel.     Emmanuel_2  Emmanuel_3   Emmanuel_4  Emily  Esther.     F_(initial,male)    Frederick  Frederick_2  Frederick_3

 George  George_2  George_3 Hannah  Henry.  Henry 2  James  James 2  James 3  James_4 James_F John  John_2  John_3  John_4  John 5  Jonathan    Joseph   Joseph_2  Joseph 3  Joseph 4  Joseph 5  Julia  Margaret  Mary  Mary_2 Mary_3  Rebeka  Rebecca_2 Richard  Robert  Robert 2  Rosa  Susannah  Thomas  Thomas_2  Thomas_3Thomas_4  Thomas_5  Thomas 6  Thomas 7  Thomas_8  Thomas 9  Thomas_10  William  William_2    William_3    William_4  William_5  William_6    William_7  William_8   William 9William 10William 11William 12  William_13  William_14

Pocock George  George 2  John  Joseph  Sarah

Polley Christine Neilson  William Daniel  William

Polson Elizabeth

Pomfrett Barbara  Henry  Henry_2.    Joan  Joan 2  Joan 3  Joan 4  John (multiple)  John 2  John 3  John 4  Richard  Richard 2  William  William_2  William_3.    Winifrid

Ponde John  Mildred  Thomas

Poole Henry

Pope Joseph T.A William

Popham Rose  William

Porter. Charles_Henry Charles Henry 2 Mary  Mr  Mr_2  Sarah_Ann  Sarah_Ann_2    Sarah_Ann_3 Walter Walter_2.     William_Thomas  William_Arthur

Potter John

Potts Miss  Rev_C

Poulton Catherine  Edward  George  Mary  Mrs  William 

Povey Jason  Jason_2.                      Jason_3  Jason_4  Keziah  Keziah_2  "Master"

Powell - Charles  Daniel.  MariaRebecca.    William  Unknown_First_Name

Powley William

Pownseby  Annette Charles

Pratt Abraham_Newton  Edward.    Emily  Hannah  John. JosephJoseph_2 Robert

Preece Elizabeth  Sydney

Price Annie  C_(initial)  Charles      Charles_2   Daniel   Elizabeth  Elizabeth_2  Emma  FrankFrank 2  Frederick    H_(initial)  Harry  Henry  Henry_2   J_(initial,male)     James  James 2 Jemima_Susannah  John   John_2  John_3  John_4  John_5  Lydia  Lydia 2  Richard   Salisbury  Sarah  Sarah_Ann  Sarah_Ann_2  Thomas   Thomas_2   William  William 2   William 3  William 4  William 5  William_6  William_7

Priest  Unknown_first_name  Hugh   Nathaniel  William 

Pritchard Jane

Probert Kate  Mary  Thomas  Thomas_2     W(initial,male)

Proctor Henry Thomas  Lucy

Prosser Mr

Prue Benjamin_Thomas

Prytherick / Prytherock John

Puddifant James  James 2  James_3  James_4  James 5  Mary  Sarah  Sarah 2  Sarah 3  Sarah 4  Sarah_5  Sarah_6

Pudsey William  William_2

Pugh Leonard

Pugin Augustus Welby Northmore  Welby

Pullen /Pullin  James

Purcell Rev_James

Pusey Elizabeth  Elizabeth East  George  James  James 2  James 3James_4  Samuel  Samuel 2  William  William 2William 3

Pye  Jane  Thomas  Thomas_2

Pym  Ann   Thomas

Quarterman / Quartermain. Andrew  Elizabeth    HenryMaryRichardWilliam

Quayles - Percy

Queensbury, Marquess of, and brothers Lady

Quelch Isabella and Sarah  James  Samuel

Quick Mary

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Chapel Street Area Schools

The earliest known private School in Marlow was established circa 1757 by George Faux AKA Fox*. This was a boys' school and was known as...