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Specific Shops, Streets, Farms, Schools etc


Pubs and hotels are not included here - see Pub Related page for them and see Church Related for places of worship. Little Marlow, Well End etc are under Nearby Places. It is worth checking there for outlying farms. New posts are being added frequently so if you can't yet find here the place you that are interested in, check back soon! 

This list includes major references to specific places, not every mention of them on the blog which could run into dozens if not hundreds for some streets. Use the search box to find all references. The search box displays in desktop mode. Not sure where an old address or place was? Take a look at our "Where in Marlow was..?" posts - part one here, part two here, no 3 here , no 4 here

Aggerton / Aggleton / Aggelton Green

Toll gate / house here 

Albion House

Use by:

Royal Military College junior branch here

Breakaway worshippers from Congregational Church after Rev Thomas Styles marriage - here

Bonnet O'Blue public house here

Mrs Tylecote's school here

Flint family, embroiders here

Resident - Colour Sergeant and Drill Instructor James Columbine here

Minor mentions - Use by British Schools here, Maddocks friends of the Shelleys here

Alfred House

See Cromwell House

Beacon / Becking Farm

Historic occupiers

Beaufort Cottage

Biography of the Smith family who lived there in Victorian / Edwardian times here

Beaumont Rise

Station masters who lived in Soho Terrace here

Beaufort Cottage, see above (Historic address sometimes put here)

During 1887 jubilee here

Edith Hammerton, dressmaker and independent lady - here

Some early residents here

Beech Lodge

Biography of the Wyndhams of there- here

Bencombe Farm, Marlow Bottom

Historic occupiers with research here

Berwick Road  

Early residents (late 1800s & early 1900s) here

Blounts / Blunts Farm *updated October 2024*

Historic occupiers- here

Borlase School - see schools below

Brampton House : 1881 grave of Eliza Davison of Brampton House here

Brewery - see Wethereds below. 

Burroughs Grove

Fountain family here

Cambridge Place (no longer exists)

WW1 casualty William Grove here

Cambridge Road

Biography of Nurse Cassidy and info about the early days of the hospital formerly there here

Detailed posts about Cottage Hospital at Cambridge House under Nurse Cole here and here

Biography of Cottage Hospital surgeon Dr John Dunbar Dickson and hospital fundraiser and hon sec Emily Dunbar Dickson here

The gas works off Cambridge Road here

Life here during Victorian / Edwardian football matches, fairs etc here

Cannon's Row

See Platt's Row below

Cape Town, Marlow

History post here

Causeway- for pubs see Pub Related on menu

Biography of resident George Cres(s)well here

Use during Marlow Fair and also Regatta here

In Parochial Assessment 1833 - here

For Marlow Bridge see General Marlow History option in the drop down menu. 

Caxton Villa

History here

Cedar House / The Cedars

Resident Charlotte Cocks here

Chapel End - See Chapel Street 

Chapel Street - For pubs see Pub Related on the menu. See also Spittal Street. 

Rookery residents the Atkinsons here

(See also the Rookery below)

1700s residents here. Updated March 2024.

Biography of Martha Cleobury, early Victorian resident here

Sick Aid depot here

Primitive Methodist Chapel here

Chapel End toll gate here

Spindlo family bakers Updated Nov 2024 here

The mystery of East & Harriman, Georgian grocers here (some distressing content)

Arthur Barnard's Stores (number 22) here

Will of resident Catherine Suthery 1820 here

Church Passage (see also St Peters Street)

Complaints about things occurring there after dark! here

Claremont Road / Claremont Gardens Estate

The Badger family of Lulworth and Glade Nook - here

Death of young Alfred Nye of Ingledene here

Biography of the Smith family who lived at Beaufort Cottage in Victorian / Edwardian times here

Clay Lane

The farm occupiers here *updated Jan 2024*

Clifton Villa, Glade Road

The Wells family here

Cottage Hospital - see Cambridge Road and Glade Road

The Cottage - Off Oxford Lane/Road

AKA Quoitings. NB not the same as Oxford Cottage. 

Life of gardener Dennis H Wargent here

Court Garden

Biography of resident Dr Battie -here

Fraud case involving the gardener there here

Use in World War 2 here

Biography of  Victorian head gardener William Neighbour here

The Croft 

See Gyldernscroft.

Cromwell House

Historic occupiers with research into them here

Used by junior branch of Royal Military Academy. For more on that see here

Crown Lane

History here

Dial House:

The Rev Stephen Winter and family here

Dean Street- For pubs see Pub Related on top menu

1847 -Election riots here

1700s residents here. Updated March 2024.

Ebenezer Chapel  that was formerly there here

Lee/Wigginton grocers here

The Mission room/reading room/temperance coffee room here

Romany or gipsy families linked to this street here

Perry family and involvement in poaching here

Skewer making industry which was centered there here

Temperance movement there here

Those from the street involved in the 1880 election riots here

Trouble there with the Skeleton Army and Salvation Army here

Toll gate here

Eusebius Windsor 1830s resident here

New Year traditions  here

Residents in 1907 Old Bailey theft case here

For pubs and beer houses see Pub Related menu option.

Dedmere Road

Bucks Chairmaking Co here

Early history and residents here

Dirty Bottom - see also Marlow Bottom 

Occupiers as per 1833 parish assessment here

Duchess Place

Fire at Bucks Chair co here

Smith and Gammon families of there here

Dukes Place

Biography of the Fountain family here

Eton Place 

Some significant events there Victorian/Edwardian times here

The Eyrie

Captain Marshall's Menagerie and the floods here

Fair View - See Under Glade Road


Abbey Farm, Little Marlow- historic occupiers here

Beacon Farm/ Becking Farm historic occupants here

Bencombe Farm, Marlow Bottom - historic occupiers with research here

Blounts Farm- (Blunts) historic occupiers here

Burford Farm, Marlow Bottom -historic occupiers here

Copy Farm (not Copy charity farm/Loftins farm - occupiers here

Clay Lane Farm, historic occupiers *updated January 2024* here

Field House Farm history - here *updated January 2025*

Hard To Find Farm, Little Marlow here *updated December 2024*

Hawkins Farm - history and occupier list with details here More on tenant William Creswell Here

High Rews / Ruse - William Creswell Here

Homers - historic occupiers here

Hooks Farm, historic occupiers with research- here

Marlow Bottom Farm, historic occupiers  here. During the Swing riots 1830 here

Monkton Farm, Little Marlow historical occupiers here

Red Barn Farm occupiers the Wanes here As per 1833 parish assessment here

Low Grounds Farm, Harleyford historic occupiers - here

Oakengrove here

Pigeon House Farm, historic occupiers here

Spade Oak Farm, historic occupiers -here

Town Farm - during Swing Riots 1830 here

Widmere Farm, historic occupiers here

Wycombe Road Farm owner William Cresswell here

Wymer(s) historic occupiers here

The Ferns, Glade Road (not Ferns, Little Marlow)

Victorian amateur sportswoman Nellie Creswell and Ferns resident here

Field House / Field House Farm

History here *updated January 2025*

Forty Green (and see Cape Town above)

1833 assessment, householder by householder- here

Foxes Piece 

Full history here

Allotments history here

Gables, The - Institute Road

Residents and Marlow Heroes the Dunbar Dicksons here

Garrison, The (house) here

Gas Alley Area

Life near the Gas Works here

Gas Works 

Overall history, the explosion, fires, experiments conducted there, managers etc here

Gipsy Lane

Gipsy families in Marlow history, some of whom camped near Gipsy Lane here

Glade Road 

Baptist Chapel history here

Clifton Villa and the Wells family here

Fair View, biography of the Cupper family who lived there *updated and corrected November 2024*- here

The Glade AKA Cedar House- biography of resident Charlotte Cocks here

Leighton House history -here

The Limes historic occupiers - here

Panton Villas, Glade Road and the Nutt Family here

Cottage Hospital here (See also Cambridge Road).

Nearby allotments history here

Nellie Creswell of The Ferns (number 17), Victorian sportswoman - here

Number 7, formerly "Shamrock Cottage", some early residents here

Tragedy of John Mentor of The Limes, Glade Road here

The entertaining Hammerton family here

Goodyers / Goodyears House-

Name changed to Thames Bank during Harriet Winfords time - post about the Winfords here

Gossmore Area

The Marshall Menagerie here

Marlow Racecourse here

Rifle Volunteer camps here

Gun Lane 

Old police station and police court here

History post - here

Emily Frith, biography of a Victorian Gun Lane resident here

Emma and Jeremiah Harding of Trinity Cottages- here

The Garrison (military use and domestic) here

Gyldernscroft (Gildern(s)croft, The Croft, Townsend Cottage)

Grisly discovery at edge of grounds - here

Handy Cross

Blacksmith's Arms landlords- here

Residents 1833, household by household here

Farm occupiers here

Hanging Hill 

See Prospect Road. 


See Other Places on the drop down menu

Hawkins Farm

History and list of occupiers with details here

Leaseholder William Cre(s)swell here

Hayes Place / The Hayes

Conditions there in 1910 mentioned in this post here

General history post here

Heathers, The

Biography of resident Sarah Bliss Hammond here

Heights, The

Use in World War Two here and here


May day traditions here

High Rews / Ruse Farm

Farmer William Cresswell here

High Street

1700s residents here

1920s trader listing Part One and Part Two

Baines and Brown families confectionary shop- here

Benning Family shop - coming soon!

Camden, Steadman, his shoe and clothing shop - See number 31 below.

Chemist come bookshop belonging to George Cannon - what you could buy in that shop here, image and overview of his life here

Corner House, on the corner with West Street, occupiers from 1702 here

Cromwell house- biographies of occupiers here

Drapers premises of the Irving and Morgan families- photo of it as it looks today, photo of it in 1905 and info about those families here

Drapers premises ran by Meadows, Hewett, Davis families- here

Endall family Watchmakers here

During Marlow Fair here

Globe House - which once fronted onto the High Street where New Court is now - details of it's residents and history here 

Grocers ran by East and Harriman (some distressing content) here

Grocers' premises and Hobbs / Kidd / Ilsley families who ran it here

Grocers ran by Trask, Hood, Mathews families here and later occupier Foottit the chemist here

Grocers ran by Aveling and Lovegrove families here 

Hardings incredible hand built barge constructed in his back garden - here

John Howe's late 1700s booksellers in the High Street here

Ironmongers- ran by MacLean, Newman and Chalk families here

W.B Langston boot and shoe warehouse here

Mealing family furniture business here

Morris family drapers here

Moss family agricultural implements dealers, inventors etc here

Susan family pawnbroker/clothes dealer - here

Number 7- here

Number 31 (modern numbering) Steadman Camden's shoes and clothing shop- here

Number 33 (modern numbering) Ways game dealers/poulterers here

Number 35 (modern numbering), Bond family residence and business premises here

Number 37 High Street (modern numbering) see Grocer's premises Hobbs etc above.

Number 55 see W.B Langston above and Temperance Hotel below.

Number 101 (modern numbering) Benning family shop here

Parochial assessment 1833 (householder by householder) parts which cover High Street:

Part One

Part Two

Part Three



Pearce, George Smith hairdresser/ printer etc here

Biography of Robert Hayes Smith- High Street journalist, bookseller, stationer etc here and gas explosion at Smith & Co here

Stephens, Blandy & co bank here

Temperance Hotel here

For pubs see the Pub Related menu option.

Hill Farm

History and occupiers- here

Hill Green 

As per 1833 parish assessment here

Hillside (the house) 

Residents of  here

Holland Road

Early residents and history here

Homers Farm

Historic occupiers here

Hook's Cottages

Occupiers 1833, household by household= here

Hooks Farm

Historic list of occupiers and other information here. Use in WW1 - here

Ingledene - See Claremont Road

Institute Road

Early history of the Institute in detail here

Early history of the Armoury (some distressing content) here

South African wars memorial plaque here

Biography of residents Marlow heroes the Dunbar Dicksons of The Gables here

During 1887 Jubilee celebrations here

Maldah here

Sunnycroft *updated October 2024* here

Proposed Victorian post office that never was here

Kenton House-

Edwardian residents here

Leighton House 

History as school and private residence here

Linden Villa (Wycombe Road. There was another one on Station Road)

The people who lived there *UPDATED OCTOBER 2024*- here

Liston Hall

Previous life as Primitive Methodist chapel here

Low Grounds Farm, Harleyford

List of occupiers of the farm, later 1700s to early 1900s with research about them here

Lulworth - see Claremont Road

Madge Hawes Lane (Spinfield Lane)

(AKA Majaws Lane, Madge House Lane, Forty Green Lane)

Parochial assessment 1833 here

Marefield Passage

Sad case involving residents the Boddy family here

1833 Parochial assessment (house by house survey with occupants) - here

Marefield Place - see Prospect Road, its later name. 

Market Square

During Marlow Fair here

Corner House occupiers from 1700s - here

For the Crown inn/hotel and Hope pub etc see Pub Related on the main drop down menu.

Marlow Bottom

See Farms above or for other content Other Places on the top drop down menu.

Marlow Institute

Detailed early history here

Marlow Lodge

Early residents here

Marlow Manor House

Description of it as inherited in dower by Constance Le Despenser in 1400 here

Marlow Place

History overview and Marlow Place School Here

Life for Royal Military College cadets who lodged there here

Use In World War Two here

Grave of resident William Niven here

Full history here

A group of Victorian Trinidadian boy pupils at Marlow Place Academy here

Mill Road/Lane

See also Platts Row

History of Caxton Villa here

Munday Dean

History here

Munday Dean Lane

Some residents mentioned in this post

Parish allotments here

See also under Workhouse below

New Court House 

History of it and the people who lived there- here

New Town Area

Note this originally referred to a wider area than the current New Town Road. See also Holland Road on this page.

Plans to provide a pub for brick work labourers and others in area here


Historic occupiers here

Oxford House, Oxford Road

History and occupiers here

Oxford Road (formerly Oxford Lane)

Biographies of three Victorian / Edwardian widow residents of the Almshouses here and biographies of three more here 

Biography of resident Sarah Evans, also of the Almshouses here and Ann Barney ditto here and Jane Gibbons ditto here.

1700s residents -here

1833 Parish Assessment entries, house by house here and here

Oxford House history here

For Crown and Anchor etc see Pub related on menu.

Oxford Terrace - see Oxford Road

Panton Villas 

The Nutt family of Panton Villas here

Parsonage, The (house)

Theft case from there - involving residents the Morgans here

Pigeon House Farm, Little Marlow

Historic occupiers- here

Platt's Row / Road

Originally Cannon's Row- history and people here.

Caxton Villa residents - here

See also Mill Road which these residences are part of.

Post Office

Will of postmaster James Field 1849 and his wife Sarah 1855 here

Life of the poetic postmaster, radical and friend of Shelley William Tyler -here

For biographies of other post office staff see the General History index occupations section here

Regency and Victorian postal services - here and the buildings used or proposed for Post Office use in High Street, West Street, Station Rd and Queens Road ditto. 

Potlands / Portlands Alley

Parochial Assessment 1833 (householders with property descriptions) here

Photo and quick history here

People of Potlands in the Victorian era here

Prospect House

Detailed history here

Prospect Road

Hanging Hill allotments history here

Marlow Heroes Bonny & Corby here

Early history here

Providence Place (Off Dean Street)

Ebenezer Chapel  that was formerly there here

Queen's Road

Early 20th century shopkeepers here

Tucker family here

Victorian postman Plumridge here

Men who built Marlow no 4, Frederick Plumridge of the Duke of Cambridge - here 

For other posts about The Duke see the pub index here

Quoiting Square (previously Quoiting Place)

Use during Marlow Fair here

List of residents and occupiers 1700s here

Previous occupiers of the site of Platts (petrol pump/showroom site) here

See also Church Related option on drop down menu for the church there, and Pub Related for the pubs.

1833 Parochial Assessment for this area here and here (occupiers house by house with property descriptions).

Property mentioned in the will of Thomas Bowen 1844 here, occupied by Dorrells.

Quoiting Square shopkeepers here

For Quoitings House see The Cottage above. 

Ragman's Castle

Residents 1833 here

Red Pits / Redpits

Corby family members of Red Pits in the will of Elizabeth Plumridge quoted here

For the Hare and Hounds see the pub index.

Remnantz (do a search for all minor mentions, below are major ones)

Biography of Stephen Remnant, early occupier here

Life for the young cadets at the military college- here

Photos of items once dug up at Remnantz and adjacent properties -here

Use for a cricket match here

The barge that came over the wall (!) here

Servants in household 1871 here

Riley Recreation Ground / Crown Meadow

Use during Marlow Fair here and during the Edwardian Fair here

Use during 1902 Coronation Celebrations here

Role in Peace Celebration 1919 here 

Other former uses - football ground, home to travelling theatres, water carnival etc here and athletic meetings here

Biography of Edward Riley here

Rookery, The 

Rookery residents the Atkinsons here

Harvest Home celebrations held there here

Rye Peck

Biography of Cuppy family, one of whom used Rye Peck as a private hotel- here

Biography of Robert Shaw King of the River here


Bluecoats School here

Borlase school in 1830s/40s here

British Schools here

Charity School - see Borlase

Free School - see Borlase

Leighton House/Misses Curtis school here

Prospect House Academy / Faux's Academy here. Drill instructor Columbine of the school features here

Schools Listings- 72 premises mentioned- here 

Two Victorian schoolmistresses of St Peters Street Girls & Infants National schools here

Marlow Place boarding school for young gentlemen here

1850s night school for agricultural labourers and the Regency adult education institutions Here

Also see under West Street below.

Sentry Hill

Use in World War Two here

Seymour Court Road

Early history here

Seymour Court toll house keeper and convict William Neighbour here

Seymour Park Road

Early history here

Shelley House / Cottages

See Albion House


Adams/Blizzard/North toy and fancy goods shop, and newsagent here and here

Allam Family fishmongers Spittal Street here

Baines and Brown families confectioners, High Street here

Barnard's Stores of Chapel Street & Spittal Street here  & grave of Arthur Edward Barnard -here

Bateman's Grocers, West Street - here

Batting & Evans pawnbrokers/furniture dealers etc Quoiting Square here (There was also a Batting premises in West Street)

Biggs family bakers - here

Butler grocers / cheesemongers Quoiting Square here

Camden, Steadman shoe and clothing shop, High Street here

Cannons, George Chemist and bookseller Market Square later High Street here , overview of his life and premises image here

Emma Carter the butcher here

Christmas at Victorian shops including Morgan's drapers, Maskells/ Maddisons/ Woods (poulterers/game dealers), Deaths bakers, Clarks butchers and Clifton's provisioners - here lists some items available to buy from Marlow Victorian traders at Christmas, while this covers festive shop displays from the same period. 

Colonial Meat Stores, Spittal Street - here

Corner House High Street/ West Street- long list of historic shopkeepers here

Drapers High Street (Meadows, Hewett/Hewitt/Davis) here

Drapers in West Street occupied by Grant, Hall, King, Roberts here

Dukes family shop premises and information (West Street) here

Eagle family grocers here

East furniture dealers Quoiting Square here

East & Harriman grocers/provision merchants of High Street/Chapel Street here (distressing)

Eddowes Ironmongers Spittal Street here

Endall watchmakers West Street and High Street here

Foottit chemists here

Gibbons tallow chandler/grocer/spirit merchant, West Street here

Graham pawnbroker Quoiting Square here

Harman's Chemist -here

Harriman & East - see East above. 

Hobbs / Kidd / Ilsley families grocery shop in High Street *updated October 2023*- here

Howes booksellers in the High Street here

Ironmongers shop, High Street- Maclean, Newman and Chalk families here

Ironmongers shop, West Street 17/1800s, Hobbs, Lane, Almond and Lunnon occupiers here

Irving family drapers in High Street here

W B Langston boot & shoe warehouse, High Street here

Meakes Ironmongers, Spittal Street here

Mealing family furniture showrooms here

Morgan family drapers here

Morris family drapers here

Pearce, George Smith hairdresser/ printer etc (High Street) here

Quoiting Square shopkeepers here

Sawyer family bakery (West Street)- here *UPDATED OCTOBER 2023*

Smith- Robert Hayes and his booksellers, stationers shop etc here. He was earlier located at a premises in Spittal Street.

Spindlo bakers here *updated Sept 2023*

Susan - clothes dealer and pawnbroker High Str, and grocers, Spittal Street here

Trask, Hood, Mathews - Grocery shop, High Street here

Way poulterers and game dealers, High Street - here

Wigginton/Lee grocers Dean Street here

Soho Terrace

Station masters who lived in the terrace here

Spinfield House/Lodge

History of the house: here

Victorian dog shows here

List of gardeners here

Grave of the Howard children here

Grave of James Carson 1873 here

Spittle Croft (Spittalcroft/ Spitalscroft etc) - 

As per parish assessment 1833 - here

Spittal Street and Spittal Square

Also check Chapel Street due to frequent historic muddling of addresses. Chapel Street and Spittal Street run into each other. Premises at the High Street end may be given the address Market Square  in some records but Spittal Street in others.

Edwardian Spittal Street occupiers number by number here

Colonial Meat Stores - here

Barnard's Stores here

Biggs /Bristow family bakers *updated Nov 2024*   -here

Emma Carter the butcher here

Eagle family grocers (1800s) here

Early cinema there (Marlow Picture Palace) here

Harman's Chemist - here

Meakes and Eddowes Ironmongers here

Robert Hayes Smith and his hairdressers and printing business in this street here

Miss Hurrell's servants' agency- here

Spindlo bakers here

The Spittal Street Poltergeist??? (And the Allam family) - here

Charles Susan - grocer here

Station Road- for railway related posts see instead the General Marlow History Index page.

See also Aggerton / Aggleton Green above. 

Flooding there 1894/5 and 1903 here

Marlow Lodge aka Suffolk Lodge early residents here

Marlow Place- has its own heading see above. 

Biography of seedsman and nurserymen Albert Bridgman -here

Suffolk Lodge, see below. Has own entry on this list.

Wellingrove Villa, early residents- here

Sub post office here

St Peter's Court

Post about this miserable place- here

St Peter's Street and see St Peter's Court above. See also Church Related and Pub Related options on  the top drop down menu. 

Marlow's first "cinema" here

During 1902 Coronation Celebrations here

The old Marlow bridge here

Photos of graffiti from 1840s+ here

Various properties in will of Thomas Gibbons 1824 here

Two Victorian schoolmistresses of St Peters Street Girls & Infants National schools here

Bucks Chair Company workshops here

Winters family of Dial House here

See Schools heading too. 

Stratton House

See The Heathers (original property name)

Suffolk Lodge (Marlow Lodge)

History of the house, and visit by Ellen Terry here *updated October 2023*

List of gardeners here

Sunnybank/ Sunny Bank house here

Sycamore House

The Ransome family here

Thames Bank House (note Thames Bank is also used as a location address for properties we would now describe as in Mill Rd. Previously Thames Bank House was known as Lymbrook and Goodyers, later as Thames Lawn, the second Marlow house to hear that name)

Residents the Winfords -here

The Cocks menagerie there here and here

1875 servants ball - within post here

List of gardeners there here

Biography of head gardener Albert Bridgman here

Thames Lawn

The original house of this name here

Townsend Cottage - 

See Gyldernscroft. Note Townsend / Towns End was also a more generalized location, roughly akin to just beyond West End, up to near Redpits along what we now call Henley Road.

Trinity Road - see Gun Lane

Victoria Road - 

Early residents and history here

Bucks Chair Co - here

Kenton House -   here   

Well End Street - see Dean Street. This is "Well End" Great Marlow. For the hamlet of Well End near Little Marlow see the Other Places section on the menu.

Western House 

Dispute involving the Fowler family who resided there here

Some Victorian residents here

West End - See West Street & Henley Road.

West Street- For pubs see Pub Related on the menu. 

West Street Schools (not Borlase) and the shops of Caroline Anthony and Noah Bartlett. Pictures and occupier info (For the schools this contains more detail of those involved with them than the general school listings post) here. For Borlase/ Bluecoats/Marlow Free School see schools above. 

Albion House - see above

Adams/Blizzard/North toy and fancy goods shop, and newsagent here

Bateman's grocery shop - here

Biography of Sarah Bliss Hammond of The Heathers etc here

Biography of Stephen Remnant of Remnantz here here

Camden/Bowen/Allum family homes here

Drapers ran by Grant, Hall, King, Roberts families- here

Dukes family china shop- photo of premises as it looks today and some information about them here

Rachel Hall the butcher here

Endall Watchmakers here

Flint family embroiderers, baby linen and cambric cap makers here

Gibbons tallow chandler/grocer/spirit merchant here 

Hackshaws, saddler, harness makers etc (modern no 79) here

Historic graffiti on a wall here

Number 7-9 (modern numbering) West Street, historic ironmonger's shop - here

Number 11 (modern numbering) surgeon's house, grocer's shop here

Number 13 West Street (modern numbering) see Dukes above.

Number 18 West Street (modern numbering) Ruth North and her shop here

Number 42 West Street (modern numbering) historic residents James and Sarah Puddifant here

Numbers 45 and 47 West Street (modern numbering) here

Number 79 (modern numbering) Hackshaw family harness and saddle makers - Here

Number 81 West Street (modern numbering)- will and research for resident Mary Garland Lovegrove here

Number 86 (modern numbering) historic residents Rebecca Blake, an early photographer and her husband Richard here.

Parochial Assessment 1833 (householder by householder) parts which cover West Street are:

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5 

Part 10 

Part 11

See also this here and here for West Street properties indexed in the wrong place.

Photos of items once dug up at Remnantz and adjacent properties here

Potlands (Portlands) Alley. Modern photo and basic history here 

Post office and sub PO - here

Ransom family of Sycamore House, private hotel - here

Ralph Spicer the Victorian solicitor and his premises here

Residents in the 1700s here

Royal Military Academy, life for the young cadets here

Sawyer Family bakery- here

Smiths family bootmakers here

Use during Marlow Fair here

Western House - some Victorian residents - here

Will of Richard Silver, resident and childbed linen manufacturer here

Will of resident Thomas Bowen, retired publican 1844 here

1700s West Street residents here

For pubs and beer houses see the Pub Related menu option.

Wethered's Brewery 

Accusation of illegal ingredients included in the brew here

First World War memorial tablet here

Death of employee Joseph Finch included in post here

More beer sellers than bakers - the fight to keep Marlow Pubs alive here

1833 listing of brewery buildings used/owned by Wethereds from the Parish Assessment here

Images of brewery now here

Biography of brewery clerk and Victoria Cross holder David Rush - here

See Person Index for all mentions of the Wethered family.

White Hill 

As per 1833 parish assessment - here

Widmere Farm

Historic occupiers here


Biography of 1840s managers the Reeves here

Use during one of the Cholera epidemics here

Life for residents at Great Marlow Workhouse 1775-1843 here

Information on it's most famous resident - here

Wrights paper mills

Experience of child labourers there here

How the staff celebrated Victorian royal events here

See Person Index for all mentions of members of the Wright family.

Wycombe Road

The people of Linden Villa *UPDATED OCTOBER 2024* - here

Wycombe Road farmer, the quirky miser William Cre(s)swell Here

Mile "stone" for toll road here

Accidents and tragedies involving former residents here here

For pubs see the "Pub Related" menu. 

Wymers Farm

Historic occupiers *updated October 2024* here

York Road

Biography of midwife Sarah Price who lived there here

Early history and residents of the road *updated October 2024* here

WW1 casualty Horace Batting who lived in York Road as a small boy herehere

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