This index contains every mention of an individual however small. Click on the first name to be taken to a relevant post. A shorter list highlighting those posts largely about just one single individual in detail can be found under the Biographies of Individuals option on the drop down menu.
Note: all listings below of the same first and last name combination are not necessarily referring to the same person so if "John Smith" isn't your John Smith that doesn't mean " John Smith 2" or "John Smith 3" are not your John Smith.
Eagle or Eagles Widow Ann Charlotte Charlotte_2 Elizabeth Elizabeth_2 Harriet Joseph Joseph_2 Keziah Keziah_2 William
Eardly Jane
Eardley/Earley William
Earis/Earise/Earies - note see also Eyres/Eyris and Ayres/Ayris. Albert Joseph Susannah. William William_2. William 3
Easley Thomas
East. "the_brothers_East" A_J Alfred Avis Augustus Caroline Charles Charles_2. Charles_3. Charles 4 Charles_5 Eleanor (Lady) Elizabeth Elizabeth_2 Francis Francis AKA Frank Frank Gilbert Clayton (Sir) Henry Henry 2 Henry 3 Henry 4 "J" (Mr) James James 2 Jane John John_2 John_3 John 4 John_4 Joseph Joseph_2 Joseph_3 Joseph_4 Joseph_5 Maria Martha Mary_Ann Mary_Ann_2 Mr Mr. Richard Robert (distressing) Robert 2 (distressing) Robert_3 Private_S Sidney Sidney_Herbert Stephen Stephen_2 Stephen 3 Thomas Thomas_2 Thomas_3 Thomas_4 W_(initial,male) William William_2 William 3 William 4 William 5 William_6 (distressing) William 7 (distressing) William_8 William_9. William_10 William 11 William_12 William 13 William_14 William_15 Zachariah Zachariah_2
Ecklin Henry
Eddowes Mr
Edis Thomas
Edmonds (and see Edmunds below) George George 2 John Miss and Mrs
Edmund's or Edwards (unclear) Jane
Edmunds A_(initial,male) Charles Elizabeth George George_2 John Samuel
Edwards Ada Bennett Ann Anne. Edward, wife of G&J(males) George George (Revd) George_(Revd)_2 Gladys James James 2 James_3 James_4 James_5 John J.T Mr Mrs_Bennett Mrs_Stanley_(Inez) Maria Mary Nellie Sarah Stanley William
Edwin Mr (a gardener)
Elgerydge John
Elgie Walter
Eliot - see Elliott
Ellick John
Elliot / Elliott Catherine Edward Elizabeth John Joseph Mary Thomas Thomas 2 William (multiple). William_2 William_3. William_4. William 5
Ellis Alice Arthur_John. Ethel_Alice George. George_2 James John John_Kelpen Mary Sarah (multiple) Stiles. Stiles or Styles 2 Thomas
Ellison Frances Sarah George George_2 George 3. George 4 Mary William George (probably should be Ellson)
Ells George John John 2 John_3 Thomas
Ellson (and see Ellison) William George
Endall / Endell Alice Alice 2 Amelia Ann David James Mary_Ann Mary Beatrice. Private_in_Volunteers
Enfield Viscount
Engelfield Richard
England Emma
English. Eliza Elizabeth Mary Mary_2 Mary 3 Susannah Timothy Timothy_2 Timothy 3 T.E_ Thomas. Thomas 2 Thomas 3
Enoch / Enock - Bessie Emile_Sigismunde
Etheredge (see also Etheridge) Sir_James James_2. Sir_James_3
Etheridge Charles
Eustace Thomas
Evans David David 2 Joseph Mr of High Wycombe Miss Richard Sarah (two of them) William
Eyre Joseph
Eyres - see Ayres
Fair Margaret
Fall - David
Farmer Christina John Robert Thomas
Farthing, William
Fasey "Mr"
Fasteridge? Fastenidge? Probably meant to be Fast(e)nage Charles
Fast(e)nage / nedge Daniel John
Faulkner Male soldier Elizabeth Florence Francis Frank Frank James. James 2 Rose Rose 2 William William 2 William 3 William 4
Fausett (Faucett,Fawcett) Sarah William Godfrey
Faux (alias Fox) Ann Ann 2 Ann 3 Ann 4 George George 2 George 3. George 4 George 5
Fearon Rev_Arthur
Fecye (see also Fasey) John Marjory William
Fell Mrs
Fellowes Richard
Feltham Miss_M_J
Fennel Edward
Fenner John John Martha Sarah. Thomas W_J(initial)
Ferguson Gilbert
Field Annie Anthony. Anthony_2. Elizabeth Elizabeth 2 Mr G of Wood End James James 2 James 3 (multiple mentions) James_4 James_5 James_6 James 7 James_8 John_Richard John_2 Matilda Matilda 2 Michael Michael 2 Rebecca Robert. Sarah Sophia
Fields Ann Elizabeth Sarah William
Finch Ann_&_Charles Edith George George_2 Henry H(Initial) John John_2 John_3 John_4 John_5 Joseph William
Fish Ann Benjamin Benjamin 2 Elizabeth James James_2. James 3. Katherine
Fisher Benjamin Charles Elizabeth. John (of Abingdon) Polly Samuel William. William 2 William_3. William 4
Fitzpatrick, Henry
Fleet Albert
Flemming Alexander Edmund Edmund_2 Widow
Fletcher Unknown_first_name_(male) Anne Benjamin Charles Charles_2 Charles_3 Charles_4. Charles_5. Charles 6 Charles_7 Elizeus Elizeus 2 Hannah Henry Henry_2 Henry_3 Fletcher Mr_J Jeffrey. Joshua Mary Mary 2 Private_In_Volunteers Richard Thomas Thomas 2 Thomas_Oxlade. William William_2 William 3. William 4
Flight Hannah
Flint. Ada Ann Charles Charlotte_Ann Christopher Edward_James Edward 2 Ellen. Emily Elizabeth Harriet John_Tarrand John_Tarrand_2 John Mary Mr_E Mrs. R(male) Samuel
Floide (See also Floyd) Thomas
Floyd Elizabeth Robert Robert_2
Flynn Mary
Foley? Elizabeth
Folly John James Alias Steptoe
Footman Ann Catherine Edward John (father and son) Maria. Mary Peter Robert
Foottit Ann Charles Miller Charles_Miller_2 Charles_2 Charles_3 Charles 4 Charles_5 Charles_6 Charles_7. Fanny Lillian Mary Robert Robert 2 Robert 3 Robert-4
Forbes Admiral
Ford Charles Elizabeth. Elizabeth 2 Frances John John_2 John_3 Sarah
Former William
Fossett Mr (of Slough)
Foster. Agnes Hedley John John_2. William. William 2
Fountain Annie Charlotte Emmanuel Henry James Mary Ann Peter
Fowle Mr
Fowler Charles (two different) Charles 2. Elizabeth Emma Francis Gertrude. Irene(May) Jane John John 2 Mr Maria Maria_2 Rebecca Richard Sophia
Frampton John
Frane - John
Franklin / Franklyn Henry. Henry 2 Henry 3 Henry 4 John_ James James 2. James 3 James 4 Sarah
Freeman Agnes Elizabeth Miss Joan John William
French Dr Henry
Fretwell Daniel
Frewin & Frewing Amey Elizabeth George. George_2(Distressing) Henry Rev_J James Joseph Joseph 2 Joseph 3 William
Friar (see also Fryer)- Francis
Frith and Fryth Family A.(Initial,male) A(male) Abraham Alfred Ambrose Charles Charles 2 Charles Charlotte Edward Emily Emma Fanny Francis George George_2 George 3 G(male) Hannah Henry (two individuals) J_(initial) Pte_James John John 2 Joseph Maria Mary Richard Susannah Thomas. Thomas_2 Thomas 3 Thomas_4 Thomas 5. Thomas 6 Thomas 7 William William 2
Frohman Charles
Froome Richard
Fry Ann Eliza Mrs Mrs 2 Phebe Phoebe William William 2
Fryer Catherine Catherine_2 Florence Francis George Isabel James James_2 James 3 Sarah Sophia
Fulbrook A
Fuller Ann
Fullicks James_Richard Mary_Ann. Mr Patrick Patrick_2 Thomas. Thomas_2 William
Funnel Edwin
Furlong William Lyons
Furnell. Dinah. Richard Richard 2 Thomas Thomas_2. William William_2
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