Note: all listings below of the same first and last name combination are not necessarily referring to the same person so if "John Smith" isn't your particular John Smith that doesn't mean " John Smith 2" or "John Smith 3" are also not your John Smith.
Vansittart/ Vansittart Neale George_Henry Mr Mrs_Vanisittart
Vaughn Thomas
Verlin Mr_T
Vernon John
Viola Monsieur (non local)
Vincent Joseph
Von Oertzen Olga
Vowe Thomas_Whalley
Voysey Charles
Wackett Charles
Wade John John_2 John 3 Lewis AKA Edward Mr
Wain, see also Wane Nesta William
Wakelin /Wakeling Hannah Jane John John_2 Robert. Robert 2. Robert 3
Walding William
Waldrop Margaret
Wal?er Thomas
Walker Charles Daniel Daniel_2 Daniel_3 Daniel 4 Daniel_5 Edward F(male) Frederick Frederick_2 Isaac James John Mary Mary_2 Patience Sarah Thomas Thomas_2 Thomas_3 Thomas_4. Thomas_5 Thomas 6 Thomas 7 Widow William William_2 William 3 William_4
Wallace Arthur Frank_Edwin
Waller Edmund
Wallington Miss_L
Wallop Alicia Alicia_2. Alicia 3 Dorothy John (two individuals) Mary
Walls TNW
Walter Alfred W
Wane Eliza Mary Francis Isaac (two mentions) Isaac 2 Mary_Harriet. Mr
Warburton Thomas
Ward. Note: William Lakin Ward was a solicitor so witnessed many wills. Mentions of him in a purely professional capacity within legal documents are not included here unless we are giving a full will transcription (but can be found via a blog search if you wish)
Bonaventure Elizabeth. Elizabeth_2 Elizabeth_3 Frederick George George 2 George_Rolls Jane Jesse Patience (two individuals). Patience_2 Richard Robert T_(initial,male) William Lakin William Lakin 2 William William_2 William_3 William_4 William_5 William 6 William 7 William 8
Ward alias Piddleward Elizabeth William
Warden Joseph
Wardy C A
Ware Mr_T
Wargent Dennis Dennis_2 Emma. Hannah Louisa
Warne - Allan Francis Margery Percy
Warner Ann Helen_Frances Helen_Frances_2 John
Warren Capt._D_S Harriet James John John Borlase Joseph
Warwick Keziah
Washbourn / Washbourne Ann Ann 2 Ann 3 Ann 4 Ann 5 Elizabeth Elizabeth 2 John John 2 John 3 Margaret Margaret 2 Mr Samuel Samuel 2 Samuel_3 Samuel_4. Samuel 5. Samuel 6
Waterman C_F
Waters Sarah Ann
Watkins Henry James James_2 "Mr"
Watson Henry J_(Initial). James Mr Thomas Thomas 2
Watts Enoch Enoch 2 Teresa Teresa 2. TNW
Waugh Rev_Francis_G_&_Anne
Way Alice Ann Charlotte Charlotte_2 Edward Ellen Eliza John John_2 John 3 Joseph Mary Rebecca Rebecca_2 R(male). Richard
Richard_2. Richard_3 Richard_4 Richard_5 Robert Robert_2 Rosa Sarah Thomas William
Weaver William
Weaving Mr
Webb Alexander Alfred Ann Ann 2 Ann_3 Ann_4. Ann_5 Caroline Carter Charles. Charlotte Clark David David_2 David_3 Trooper_C Elizabeth Elizabeth_2. Elizabeth_3. Elizabeth_4 Esther Giles Hannah Harry Henry James. James 2. James_3 James_4 James_5 James_6. James_7 James 8 John John_again_x2. John 3 John_4 John_5. John_6 John_7 Joseph. Joseph 2 Joseph_3 Joseph_4 Joseph_5 Joseph_6 Katherine Maria Mary Mary_2 Mary_3 Mary_4 Mary_6. . Mary 7 Mr Mr.2 Mr_3 Polly Richard Richard_2 Richard_3 Richard_4 Richard_5. Richard_6 Richard_7 Richard_8 Richard_9 Richard 10 Richard 11 Richard 12 Sarah Sarah_2 Sarah 3 Sarah_4 Thomas Thomas_2 Thomas_3. Thomas_4 Thomas_5. Thomas_6 Thomas_7 William William_2 William_3
Wedderspoon Kenneth_Gordon
Weedon Elizabeth Thomas. Thomas_2 William William_2
Weir M_S
Welbourne A C
Weller Albert George Mary Richard
Wellesley - Samuel
Wellicome / Wellicombe. Ann Hannah John. John_2 Mrs Bonner Mr Richard Richard_2 R(Probably_Richard) Mr_T W_(male)
Wells Emily George Harriet John Marion Mark Mark_2 Martha Sarah
West Inspector James. Jane John Miriam Owen Susan. Susan_2 (distressing) Susan_3 (Distressing) Susan_4 William.
Westbrook Ann Caroline Eliza Eliza 2 Elizabeth Emma George George_2 George 3 George 4 James John Mary Mr Misses and Mrs Richard. Richard_2 Richard 3 Richard 4 Richard 5 Richard 6 William William_2. William 3. William 4
Westcott W
Westman John_Henry
Weston Richard
Wethered Family_ and_1847_election Alice Ann Ann_2 Anne Charles. Charles_2. Charles_3 Colonel Colonel_2 Colonel 3 Esther Esther 2 Family Family_2 Family 3 Family_4 Family_5 Florence (male) James Florence (male) Thomas F.O F.O.2 F.O_3 George George_2 John Mary Miss Miss_2 Mr Owen Owen 2 Owen_3 Owen_4 Owen_5 Owen_6 Owen_Peel Owen_Peel_2 Owen_Peel_3 Thomas Thomas_2 Thomas_3 Thomas_4 Thomas_5 Thomas_6 Thomas_7 Thomas_8 Thomas 9 Thomas_Owen Walter Walter_2 William William 2
Wheatley Private_J
Wheeler. Agnes Edward Eliza Emily. Henry Henry James James. Leonard Leonard_John Mary Revd T_(Initial). Thomas. Thomas_2 Thomas_3
White and Whyte Agnes. Alfred Alfred 2 Amelia Amy Amey. Ann Ann_2. Annie David Duffin Duffin 2 Edward Eliza Elizabeth Elizabeth_2 Elizabeth_Jane Emma Ernest. Florence Francis Thomas George George_2 George_3. George_Henry George_Shaw Henry. Herbert J_(initial,male) James. James_Jnr. Jane. Jane_2 John John_2 John_3 John_4 John_5 John_6 Joseph Joseph_2 Joseph _3
Levi Levi 2 Mary Mary_2 Mary_3 Mary_Ann Nicholas. Master. Nicholas_2. Phillip Richard Richard 2. Richard 3 (two individuals) Robert Robert_2 Robert 3 Robert 4 S.A Trooper T. Thomas Thomas_2 Thomas_3 Thomas 4 Thomas_5 Thomas_6 Thomas of Wendover Tom Unknown Male Unknown male child W_(initial) W. Francis W.F (Private) W_Henry Widow Widow 2 William William 2 William_3 William_4 William_5 William_6. William 7. William 8
Whiteway Alice
Whitmore Albert_Henry
Whittingstall Rev
Wickes John
Wicks Mary
Widmer - see Widmore
Widmore Richard Richard_2. Richard_3 Sylvester
Wiggington Emma Mary_Ann Mary_Ann_2 Mary_Ann_3 Robert Robert_2 William William_2. William_3. William 4
Wilcocks Joseph
Wilcox Neighbour
Wild Beatrice Frank Percy Frank_Percy_2
Wildego Christopher. Hannah William
Wilder Richard
"Wilkson" Drapers
Wilkinson Charles Joseph Joseph_2 Brigadier_M Samuel Samuel_2 Sheldon
Wilks John
Willett Ada. Edmund Elizabeth. William
Williams Alfred Anne Colonel Ernest Family Family_2. Gabriel Henry John John 2 Mr Mr 2 Nathan Nicholas Owen Owen_2. Owen_3. Owen 4 Owen 5 (multiple mention) Owen_6 Owen 7 Owen_8 Owen 9 Richard Robert Thomas Thomas_Peers Thomas_Peers _2 Thomas_Peers_3. Vaughan William William_2 William_3 William W. S
Willis Emma G Henry J Mrs "Mr" Sophia Thomas Thomas_2 Thomas_3 William William_2 William_3. William_4
Willoughby Mr and Mrs
Wills Charlotte Gerald Berkeley Kathleen Thomas Haydon
Wilmot Mr
Wilson. Elizabeth George George_2 John. Mary_Mitchell Richard William
Wiltshire John
Winckle (s) Laud Thomas. Thomas_2
Windsor Charlotte Edwin Eliza Elizabeth Elizabeth_2 Emma Eusebius. Eusebius 2 Fanny. Henry John Louisa Mary Thomas William William_2 William_3
Winfield - Margaret
Winfindale E_A_H
Winford. Harriet Harriet_2 Harriet 3 Sarah Sarah 2 Sarah 3 Sarah 4 Sarah_5 Sarah 6 Sarah 7 Thomas Geers
Wing John
Wingrave - Albert
Wingrove James
Winkworth James
Winter Elizabeth Richard Sarah. Sarah_2. Selina Selina_2 Stephen William William_2. William 3
Winters Ann Florence Lucy Misses Selina Stephen
Withers William?
Wood Ellen George George Jnr Henry Isabella Lucy Lucy_2 Susanna William_John
Woodcock James
Wooden (see also Wootten) Edward Elizabeth John Mary Thomas
Woodham David
Woodhouse (see also Terrington) Horace Vera
Woodridge William
Woodrow No_first_name
Woods Phoebe
Woodson / Woodeson Alfred
Wootten (see also Wooden) Edward Elizabeth Thomas
Wren Mr
Wright - see also Marlow Mills in the specific places etc menu A.H Mr. of Marlow Mills Edward Edward Eleanor Eleanor_2. Ellen_Jane. Elizabeth Elizabeth_2 Family and their properties Fanny_Havell F (male) Frederick Frederick_2 Frederick_3 Hannah. Henry J(initial) J(initial) John John_2 John_Snelling Joseph Joseph_2 Joseph_3 Joseph 4 Joseph 5 Mary_Ann Messrs Mr Mr 2 Mr 3 Owen Owen 2 Owen_3 Owen_4 Richard Thomas. Thomas_2 Thomas_3 Thomas 4 Thomas_5 William William 2 William_3. William 4. William 5
Wroughton - Phillip
Wyatt Charles Charles 2 Edward Tracey Frederick (multiple mentions) Frederick 2 Frederick 3 George George 2 George 3 George 4 George 5 Harriet James Lucy Maria Moses. Private_in_Volunteers Susannah Thomas Thomas 2 Thomas 3 Thomas 4 Thomas 5 Thomas 6 Thomas 7 Thomas 8 Thomas 9 Thomas 10 Tracey Tracey_2 Widow William William 2 William 3
Wyndham Anne Anne 2 Chandos Penruddocke Wadham Wadham 2 Wadham 3. Wadham 4
Yates C_H Edmund Florrie John William William 2
Yeo Henry
Yeoman - Mr
Young. A_(Male) Adeline Arthur James James 2 Maria Richard Richard_2 Robert Timothy Timothy_2 Thomas. William William_2
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