This index contains every mention of an individual however small. Click on the first name to be taken to a relevant post. A shorter list highlighting those posts largely about just one single individual in detail can be found under the Biographies of Individuals option on the drop down menu. You will also find an index of posts about specific families there too.
Due to the number of posts being uploaded at the moment we are experiencing delays of a few days in uploading names here once they appear on the blog.
Maby Richard
Macdonald William
Macgregor Elise Blackwell
MacKeith Mr
Mackenzie Austin
Maclean Elizabeth James James 2 James 3. James 4. James 5
MacMillan Mr
Maddocks Jane Robert Robert 2. Robert 3
Maddox Morse Rose
Madeley Ada Edwin_Meadows
Maine Mary_E
Mallan Monsieur
Mallett Joseph
Malyon Arthur
Maneely Annie John_James Maria
Marcham Benjamin Wife of Benjamin
Mark Sarah
Marshall. Albert_W_Cordwallis. Capt._Edward_W_ Capt._Edward_W_2 Capt Edward 3 John Penrose William_George
Marsham Mr
Martin and Martyn Trooper C. Mr_G Gidley Harriet James James 2 John. John_2 Joseph. Joseph_2 Jacob Joe Julia Julia_2 Maria(Distressing). Patience_(Distressing). Prudence. Richard_and_wife William William_2 William 3
Maskell. Aaron Alfred Alfred_2 Alfred_3 Anna Jane Unknown_first_name(male)
Maslin William
Mason Edmund Edward John John_O
Mast RJT
Mather Ann Caroline Mary Henrietta Miss and Mrs William_Henry William Morton (Revd)
Mathews Ann Ann Ann 3 Annie Charles Henry James. Maria Richard Richard_2 Thomas Thomas2 Thomas 3 Thomas_4 Thomas_5. Thomas 6 William. William 2. William 3
Maxim Alfred Amelia Edward Mary
May Annie Eliza Hannah_Jane Jesse Joseph Joseph_2 Mary. William
Mayhew H.D M (initial) Martilla
Mayor Elizabeth? No first name William
Mazoongoo Edward
McDonald/MacDonald - Meredith
McGlynn Charles
McMillan Private_in_Volunteers
Mead / Meade Charles Joseph Joseph 2 Joseph 3 Joseph 4 Thomas William
Meadows Elizabeth John John_2 John_3. John 4
Meads - William
Meakes Eliza Elizabeth Elizabeth_2
George Joseph AKA Joseph George George_2 George_3. Henry_Thomas Mr_J
J_(initial)J Mr_J_G James James_2 James_3. Jesse Joseph. Joseph_2 Joseph_3 Joseph_4 Joshua. Joshua 2 Kate Mr (a vet) Mr (a vet) 2 Mr (a_gardener) Mary Mary_Ann Mary_Ann_2 Sarah Thomas Thomas_2 Thomas_3 Thomas_4 Thomas 5. Thomas 6 William
Mealing. "Mr" Ann (two of them) Edmund Edmund 2 George Jane Robert Robert_2 Sarah Sarah_2 William William_Edmund
Meards Henry
Mearns Andrew Andrew 2 Annie Revd P
Medwin (occasionally Mudwin!) Aaron Aaron 2 Elizabeth (two of them) James Jane Luke Luke 2 Luke 3 Mary Moses Patty Richard (two of them) Thomas Thomas 2 Thomas_3 William
Menday / Mendy Charlotte. Ellen Henry Henry_2 Henry_3 Joseph Maria Mary Mr Robert Robert 2
Mentor Eliza (distressing) John (distressing)
Merchant Eleanor
Merer/Meres John
Metford L. S
Micklem Edward Mr Mr_2 Messrs_J&E Nathaniel. Sarah
Miles Ann & David Thomas
Millard Alfred Ann Ann 2 David. Elizabeth Jabez James Jane Mary Ann Sarah Winifred
Milliard Richard Arthur
Millen Humphrey
Miller Cassandra E_J Jane John John 2 Marianne Mary Mary_Ann Philip Homan Sarah William (of Gloustershire)
Millet(t) James
Millington John
Milman Rev_Dr_Robert Rev 2
Mills Alfred Joseph Leticia / Letitia Letitia 2 Martha Richard Richard_2 Richard_3 William William 2
Miltchener or Minchener Elizabeth of Colnbrook Elizabeth 2
Mitchell / Mitchel Charles_Smart George George 2 Isabella Isabella 2 Ruth_Emily Thomas William
Moody A.C Amos George George 2 Jane(distressing). John Thomas William. William_2 William_3
Moone Robert
Moore Catherine Daniel Daniel_2 Jane John John_2 Mr Mrs Ralph Robert Robert_2 Robert_3 Robert_4 Robert_5 (distressing) Robert_6 Susan. Thomas William William
Moores Elizabeth George Henry Richard
Morcott Robert
Morgan Alice Christopher Eliza Ernest Fanny Havell Mr_J James James_2 James_3 James_4 James 5 John Joseph Mary_Jane Miss Mr Shop William W.J W.J_2 William_James
Morray Charles
Morrer Adam
Morris Alice Charles Claudia Florence John John 2 John_3 John_4 John_3 John 4 John 5 (a Canon) John 6. John 7 Margaret Mrs Patty Robert Sarah Stephen Stephen 2 T (initial) William William 2 William Henry
Morrison Hugh
Morsender Robert
Mortimer James
Mortis Robert
Mortlock Sir John & Lady Mortlock. John 2
Mor(e)ton Ann Francis George John
Moss Ann Ann_2 Eliza Eliza Frederick. Henry John John_2 John_3 John_4 John_5 John 6 John 7 Lydia Lydia 2 Maria Rose_Ann William
Mossenton / Mossington John Mrs Robert Robert 2 Robert 3 Robert 4
Mould Charles
Mountain Joan Rev James Rev James 2
Mountjoy Charlotte
Mudie Edmund Elizabeth Eugenia. Margaret Mary. Mrs
Mudwin- see Medwin
Mullett Charles
Munday Charles_K Dorcas George. James Thomas Thomas_2 William Munday
Munro Edward
Murray Charles_Robert_Scott Charles_Robert_Scott 2 Charles_Robert_Scott_3 Charles_Robert_Scott_4 George
Muspratt Mr. James John John John_3 John 4 John 5 John 6 Joseph Richard Richard 2 Richard 3 Susan
Myrton Messers
Myson John 5
Nares Jane
Nash Charlotte David Elizabeth. Joseph Julia. Leonard Mr Thomas Oakey Oakey 2 Constable_William _Constable Nash_2
Neighbour "two_little_boys" A.H_ Alfred_E Alfred_Edmund. Alfred_Edmund_3 Alfred Anne Catherine. Catherine_2. Catherine_3 Charles Charles_2 Edward Edward_2 Edward_3 Edward 4 Edwin Emma Emma_2 Emma_3 Emma_4 Emma_5 Emma_6 Hannah Hannah_2 Henry Henry 2 Henry_3 Henry_4 James John John_2 John_3 John_4 John_5 John_6 John_7 John 8 Lydia Martha Sarah Thomas William William_2 William_3 William_4. . William_5. William 6
Nelson Edith
Neville W_(Initial) William
Newbury / Newberrie /Newberry George George 2 John Mary. William
Newell. Amos Hannah Henry. James Martha Matilda Matilda 2 William
Newman Charles Corporal_in_Volunteers. Elizabeth George Mary
Newnham Jane
Nicholas Richard
Nichol /Nicholl(s) Agnes(distressing) Ann David Edwin F (male) Florence Gertrude Herbert William James Percy Richard. Thomas Unknown_first_name
Noble - William_Henry
Nolan - John_Frederick
Norcott Mrs
Norman John
Norris John
North Mr & Mrs George James James_2 Martha. Ruth. Ruth_2. William
Northcote (possibly Norcott) John
Norton Benjamin Benjamin_2. Cornelius Peter Sarah Thomas Wesley
Nugent George George_2 George_3 George 4 George 5 Lord Maria Maria 2
Nutt Frances Francis Frederick Margaret Sophia Stephen
Nuttall Edward
Nye Alfred_E Alfred_Ernest_Victor. Alice_Elizabeth David E Jack NellieAgnes(Distressing)
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