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Friday, March 25, 2022

1600s Trade Directory Great Marlow - Part One

 Whenever we come across a mention of an individual with a profession attached in a will, property deed/description, etc etc we note it down. This directory is the result, but is not yet anywhere near complete online. 

Dates are the earliest or only reference and the last for a person of this name practicing that specific occupation. Servants are not included as there are too many to list. To find all mentions of an individual or family here, use the A-Z Person Index in the top drop down menu. Bear in mind that many people had more than one profession and because of the habit of repeating generations using the same names, not all "John Smith, labourer" are necessarily the same person. Spellings are uncorrected from the original source material. All the below are referred as being resident or "of Great Marlow" unless stated otherwise but the wealthier may have had more than one place of residence. 

Researched and written by Kathryn Day and Charlotte Day.

Part 1 Apothecaries to Innkeepers


Robert Welbanke, High Street 1685


Thomas Lane 1672-92. From at least 1683 High Street, East side.

Charles Lawrence. High Street.

Hugh Liddell/Lydall 1692

Barbers (probably Barber Surgeons too but we stick to contemporary descriptions of a trade)

John Hutchins senior. 1681.

Barber Surgeons

Charles Blewitt, High Street 1693. Charles Blewitt junior is barber in the High Street 1701. 

John Oxlade 1698


John Beaver/Beavor 1679

Thomas Bray 1697

William Carter 1699, Little Marlow

Thomas Chalfont 1681

James Crane 1660

Giles Durvall 1657

Richard Gibbons, wife Jane 1698

Hugh Harman 1642

John Haywood/Heywood 1681

Samuel Hayward, 1670 Little Marlow. 

Daniel Jesse junior 1698

William Johnson 1688

Thomas Jordan, Little Marlow 1694

Christopher Kebblewhite 1698

William Lawrence 1692

John Lovejoye 1696 (possibly at Little Marlow)

John Piggot, will proved 1695. View transcript here Wife Margaret.  

Richard Piggott 1653-57

William Piggott 1650, 1653. Wife Mary. 

William Platts 1697

Thomas Pye 1699

John Ridley, Little Marlow 1695

Ralph Thomas 1689. Was press ganged into navy in 1660's and injured in service. 

Christopher Trusse 1662 (profession given on marriage to Anne Greenaway of Reading in this year, a fellow bargemans daughter. ) See also below. 

Robert Tyler junior, Little Marlow, 1695

John Webb senior 1657

Thomas Wright 1679


William East 1698. A William East acted as Bridgewarden 1644 +

Samuel Phillips 1693. Probably lived High Street.

Castor Trusse - 1670. 

Christopher Truss 1690 (see above)


Richard Sawyer, died c 1699.

Blacksmiths -

John Cooke (Cocke) 1643

William Godfrey, Little Marlow 1685

James Howe 1698. High Street.

John Lambden. Will proved 1693.

Thomas Smith, in premises NE of Crown. 1650

Mathew Thompson, Little Marlow


John Haywood/Heywood. 1689 See also bargeman.  


Robert Boothie / Boothe 1602

William Childe 1610 (beer brewer)

James Fish 1673

George Munday 1640. Wife Dorcas. 

Ambrose Thompson 1692. Lived Dean Street.


John Harris 1672

Robert Harris 1643


 John Elliott 1611,1678.  2.)John senior 1681 and 3.) 1698 (may be same as 2 but not styled "senior"

Thomas Elliott senior 1697

William Elliott 1685-death circa 1716.

John Harris 1674, and John Harris junior and senior 1697. Latter was in High Street, East side. One of the later Johns could also be the 1674 John.


William Buck 1695 -1701 minimum

William Dell 1699

Richard Thorne, will proved 1660. 


Sylvester Carter. 1680. 


Richard Widmer /Widmore 1681


Adam Morrer 1697

Clockmaker (see also Watchmakers)

Richard Lee 1688

Cordwainers (shoemaker as opposed to cobbler who repaired shoes)

James Douglas 1693

John Haycroft 1682

William Haycroft 1696

John Jones 1691

William Smalley 1699

Peter Rivers  - also a unsuccessful highwayman! For more see here


Robert Moone 1694


William Carter, Little Marlow

Thomas Harding, Monkton Farm, Little Marlow. "Monken" 

John Langley, Blounts. 1610. 

Richard Silver, Little Marlow


William Allanson of Little Marlow 1633

William Brin(c)khurst 1602 (Sometimes rendered as Bringhurst)

Thomas Crompton 1690

John Farmer. 1. Of Little Rogers, Great Marlow 1617.  2. Of Clerkenwell and Marlow 1632. 3. Died 1660. 

Thomas Farmer alias Draper 1600 2. Thomas Draper 1677. 

Henry Fletcher 1691

William Freeman 1632. Previously of London according to his will proved 1637. Also described as yeoman. Read a will transcript here

Jasper Geary 1684

William Hors(e)poole died 1642, age 77, wife Mary nee Washington died 1644 age 63. Of Great Rogers, and also Grey's Inn. Formerly of Maidstone, Kent. 

Thomas Medwin (Mudwin) Little Marlow 1678

John Moore snr 1623

Robert Moore 1660

Henry Pendleton 1610 (also described as yeoman). 

Nicholas Perry 1623.  

John Rivers 1696

Thomas Scott 1634 -1655 (has much London property, including Lambeth Manor and Kennington Manor. Son of Thomas Scott of London. Wife Alice nee Allanson. In 1640 he is described as of Little Marlow. (The Allanson family were also resident there )

Laud Winc(k)les 1699

Thomas Winc(k)les 1673


Thomas Duffin 1679

Robert Young 1647-50


Richard Clarke, 1650. In premises SW of Crown (upper).


Peter Shanin (Shavin). See his will here


William Carter 1696

John Church, Little Marlow 1695

Thomas Harding, Little Marlow 1695

William Harman 1653. Possibly at Little Marlow?

William Honnor 1698

Robert Johnson, Little Marlow 1640. Wife Agnes. 

Edward Lovejoy, Little Marlow, 1695

Christopher Robinson, Little Marlow 1695

Giles Shank 1698

Robert Tyler senior, Little Marlow 1692

Inn holders/Ale house keepers etc 

Mathew Cane. Was Innkeeper 1636. At Angel 1643, described as former occupier of (Upper) Crown 1650. 

Richard Clark, The Bear, High Street c1650-1667+

William Church, Hedsor, Little Marlow 1695

Eleanor Cocke, widow 1698

Richard Cotterell 1693 - 1697. Bull, High Street (a beer seller from at least 1692 but can't be sure at this premises)

John and Margery Fecye (Black Boy), John died 1602 or before, Margery takes over.

William Hopkins 1688-1690 minimum. Late of Crown and Broad Arrow 1691, had been in trouble for running an unlicensed alehouse a little before. 

William James, The Angel, High Street 1625.

Joseph Johnson, King's Head High Street 1687

William Osbourne, The Kings Head, High Street 

Francis Pagett, The Feathers 1693

Henry Ridley senior, Little Marlow 1691-  1697 at least. 

John Rivers, 1686, 1697. Mrs Rivers 1697

Henry Pomfrett 1. Died 1671. 2. Trading 1699 Both innholders 

William Pomfret, The Three Tuns, High Str  at this date 1693

Thomas Shrympton 1602

Bonaventure Ward, Crown (Upper) pre 1650.  

Elizabeth Wooten, Crown (Upper) 1650. 


Part Two - here

Related Posts:

 Index of posts relating to specific shops and businesses here

Index of posts relating to specific trades and general Marlow history here

Pub etc Related Posts here

Recreated 1700s trade directory here

Recreated 1820s trade directory part 1 here Part 2 here

Recreated 1800-19 trade directory Part One here

To find every mention of your ancestor here use the A-Z person index in the top drop down menu. 

©Marlow Ancestors.


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