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Sunday, October 10, 2021

Will Nicholas Perry of Great Marlow

 Nicholas Perry Gent* of Great Marlow proved 1668.

Says he in perfect health, mind and memory.

Commends soul to God.

Daughter Susan Perry his messuage in Bourton in the parish of Shrivenham in Berkshire and all the freehold land belonging to it. Also to her one half of his messuage or dwelling house in Marlow in the tenure of Jeronimas Bannes and the malthouse belonging to it with the use of the gateway in Lumps, also the Lumps House, Mead and the closes over the lane. If testator's son Thomas gives Susan £300 then he can have the property instead.

Daughter also gets half the testator's household goods plus the harps...

Son in law Thomas Stratton and his wife my daughter 20 shillings each for mourning rings. To their son testator's grandchild Thomas Stratton 40 shillings to buy him books. 

Poor of Marlow £5 to be distributed at testator's burial by the overseers of the poor.

Executor: Son Thomas.

Overseers of will: son in law Thomas Stratton and nephew John Ridge.

*he was a lawyer by trade but may have retired by the time of his will.

©Marlow Ancestors. You are very welcome to use my will transcription summary if you credit this blog and link here.

Will from the National Archives, Kew.

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