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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Will David Weedon Of Medmenham 1617

 Written and proven 1617. 

Says he is sick and weak but whole and perfect in mind and memory. 

Commends soul to God. Asks to be buried in Medmenham churchyard but this is at the discretion of his executor and his other friends.

To Joan his eldest daughter £100 within a year of her marriage or at the age of 30 whichever happens first.

To daughter Sibbell £100 under the same conditions as Joan's legacy. If either daughter dies before she can inherit then that daughter's inheritance remains with the will's executor.

To daughter Anne and daughter Jane both £100 at the age of 21. If either die before age 21 their inheritance stays with the will's executor.

To wife Jane £10 every year for the term of her natural life if she refuses to live with his son Christopher. If she does live with him he is to pay her £4 a year and a room of her own all the while she remains with him. Her "diet" is also to be at his expense.

After funeral expenses, legacies and any debts paid the remainder of his personal estate is to go to his son Christopher mentioned above who is also appointed executor.

Will witnessed by Christopher Weedon of ?Hitchenden?, Richard Weedon "and others".

This will summary was created from Charlotte Day's transcription of the original p.c.c will held at the National Archives Kew.

We focus on Marlow but try to include some surrounding area content. Over 100 will summaries are available on this blog. See the Will Transcriptions Index. More Medmenham related posts are indexed here.

©Marlow Ancestors. You are very welcome to use my research for family or local history purposes with credit to this blog.

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