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Friday, October 2, 2020

1833 Parochial Assessment Great Marlow Part One

I have transcribed this from the original handwritten assessment working notebooks which have been in my family for some years and are in a fragile and faded condition. The books were annotated with corrections and changes until about 1840. I will add any such information and flag it as such. Other notations are from my other research.

Transcription by Charlotte Day.

© Marlow Ancestors. You can use this transcription for local or family history purposes if you credit this blog.

Town- Houses and Buildings (land is a different record I also have and will transcribe in the future). 

No Address Given

Edmund Flemming (late)=

Property occupied= Marlow Place with suitable offices, large garden, lawn, green houses etc [Their "etc" not mine]

Annual value of property= £110

High Street West Side [West Street side]

John Snelling Wright=

Dwelling house, yard and garden



Misses Rolls [this is Brampton House. The sisters ran a school for girls]:

House with yard and garden



Jane Fowler=

Cottage with small yard 



Thomas William Allum [brickmaker and bricklayer. Multiple properties] =

Dwelling house, shed with loft and building, late malt house and garden


Loft over Mr **** store house 


Also a Kiln at Bovingdon Green



John Frith [multiple pieces of  property]=

Dwelling house and garden


Woodhouse and loft on the opposite side of the yard



Theophilus Clifford [Stonemason. See my previously published post on Marlow Bridge for more on him here. Also, a fuller biographical post on him is available here ]

Dwelling house, yard, shops, loft and garden


Shed etc at the Wharf 



John Collins (carpenter, builder. Later at pub next door)=

Dwelling house, workshops, garden and yard



James Creswell [publican and carpenter. Occupier till at least 1838]=

The Fountain Head [This was a beerhouse whose occupier had a carpentry business out back] which is a house, 2 shops, paint house and garden]

£9 [when property sold 1838 the rent was up to £12 12 shillings per annum]


Mrs Sarah Aveling. [Note: title Mrs is mistaken or given as mark of respect to a popular and respected but unmarried woman. Will 1844]=

House, garden and yard



Owen Wethered esq=

House with requisite offices, shrubbery, kitchen garden and orchard 



Wethered and Son [Brewers]

Garden adjoining above


Large timber yard, sawpits, sheds, piggery and store room for timber


Store rooms, 7 in number. Large extensive building with counting house etc 


Cooperage, scalding shed, dray house and stables


Two stables, coach house etc


Carpenter's shop, malt loft, and store houses


Table beer run room (?) with the loft over it


Brewhouse and buildings in the centre of yard with malt lofts etc 


Flow room in Miss Roll's yard

£2 10 shillings

Malt house and shed in Mr Hatch's yard


Ditto in Mr Maddock's yard with store house [Robert Maddocks, further along the same side of the High Street. Sometimes given as Maddox]


Store cellar under Juggins and  Stallwoods' houses


Malthouse and lofts in yard behind Steadman Camden's [this was other side of High Street, near where Sainsbury's Local is now]


Store house and loft adjoining Mr Wade's


Small store house in Mr Wade's garden with loft over it and small garden


In yard leading from High Street 2 large stables and lofts over them 


Two stables, cart house, dung yard, piggery, large cart shed and store house


Small store house in yard


Malt house, late Mr C Wethered's [Charles Wethered, liquor merchant. Active by 1823. Will 1827], barley lofts and coal houses


Screening rooms and lofts and a malthouse


Two stables with store rooms and barley lofts adjoining



Thomas Wethered

Orchard at Bovingdon Green

£3 10 shillings


Late Mrs Gordon [Jane, widow of George who was originally of Croughly Banffshire Scotland. Couple had lived in Marlow since at least 1808].

Dwelling house with convenient offices, stables, greenhouse, yards and garden



William Hatch [baker, a VERY troublesome character who is featured in a post of his own here]=

House, bakehouse, flour loft, yard, 2 gardens, cart house, stable and piggery


Large garden called Hanging Acre



Ann Washbourn [an embroideress and maker of children's clothing and later a teacher. She later moved to both St Peter Street and West Street. See her West Street school premises and read more about it here]

House and garden



Robert Maddocks [a carpenter and, tut tut, party to electoral fraud in the early 1830s. Electoral fraud was to be fair a Marlow speciality. Biographical post on him and his wife Jane here]=

Part of a house for billiards etc 

£6 (This was the "News Room")

Dwelling house, stable, 3 chaise houses, shed, work and store shops, yard and garden



William Allum [a tailor]=

Dwelling house and garden



George Rogers [plumber painter and glazier]

House, shop, yard, garden



Thomas Hewett [butcher, in this property by 1826]=

Dwelling house, butcher's and baker's shop and garden

£7 10 shillings

Slaughter house up the yard


Stable and loft

10 shillings


Matilda Newell [bonnet maker. Not in this property 1826]=

Dwelling house and garden 



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To find more High Street content see the"Specific Shops, Streets, Etc" menu here

To be continued....

Edwardian Pedlars In Marlow

 Here's a rundown of some of the items that could be bought on the door step or from wandering street sellers in Edwardian Great Marlow....