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Saturday, September 4, 2021

Marlow Cemetery Pictures And Information

Stone laid by William James Morgan JP (Cemetery Chapel, 4th July 1910) 

A portion of the cemetery was dedicated by the Free Church Council on 8th November 1910, following a service at the Wesleyan Church. The rest was consecrated by the Church of England. In reality burials were not segregated. 

The Chapel building tender was won by Mr Harris. It was designed by C S Vardy of Maidenhead. 

The land for the cemetery came from Mr Henry Layton of the Rookery and had been farmed before so it needed to have crops cleared, and the earth ploughed before use.  

Fencing by Messrs Batting of Marlow. Benches arrived 1913.  (Current benches are replacements of the originals)

Originally the cemetery had small areas of formal planting and flower beds, with plants in the first few years provided by Danesfield head gardener Thomas Blackmore. 

To find images of individual grave markers here, see our index here

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Edwardian Pedlars In Marlow

 Here's a rundown of some of the items that could be bought on the door step or from wandering street sellers in Edwardian Great Marlow....